As you are now in Year 11, you will soon be making your Post 16 applications and some decisions!
Knowing what you need to do now is important, this guide will help you, as you take your next steps.
You have several choices open to you after Year 11, with the main options being:
You will be applying for courses in schools and colleges after October half term across Kent and Medway.
EHC Plans
If you have an EHC plan, you will need to follow the application guidelines, issued by your local authority for “consultation” which is the process each Local Authority has in place to support your next steps. The processes for Kent and Medway Local Authorities are detailed below. For additional information please contact your Local Authority SEND team and/or your SENCO in school or college.
How many places can I apply to?
NOTE: Apprenticeship applications are slightly different, which we will cover in Part 2 of our application guide.
Applications outside of Kent and Medway
If you wish to apply for a school, college or study programme outside of Kent and Medway, you will need to apply via a direct application or use the county or borough’s online application portal for where you wish to apply (if available).
Often course and career information regards options outside of Kent can be found on Local Authority and partner websites, such as this one for London: Careers Clusters | London City Hall.
In most schools, Year 11 students will have made their initial applications for schools and/or colleges by December at the latest.
Most deadlines outside of Kent and Medway are the same across the country.
Each school and college do however, have their own individual deadlines for applications, so be sure to find out when these are, by speaking to each school and college you are interested in applying to at open days, or by contacting them via email or phone.
Open Days
From the start of October, many schools and colleges usually hold open days and taster events aimed at Year 11 students, to show what courses they have available and to allow students and parents/carers a chance to look around.
Some of these you will need to register in advance to attend.
Careers Research
If you are unsure what you wish to do after Year 11, make sure you book an appointment with your Careers Adviser at school, college or contact the National Careers Service young person’s careers helpline:
The National Careers Service provides free, up to date, impartial information, advice and guidance on careers, skills and the labour market in England to anyone aged 13 and upwards. To speak to a National Careers Service adviser, call 0800 100 900 or use the webchat (8am to 10pm, 7 days a week)
We also have lots of resources to help you with your careers research at our CXK Research Hub:
If you are looking at residential or boarding opportunities these may carry additional costs. However, these costs can sometime be covered by scholarship and/or financial packages of support (contact each school or college for details).
Questions to ask…
You need to ask these important questions at open days:
Lastly, listen to your heart, and gut instincts, as they may be telling you something that your head has missed!
Schools and colleges start interviewing students from January onwards, with most running a first-come, first-served process. When they are full, some places start a ‘waiting list’. It is for this reason that an early application in October or November is vital once you know what you wish to study.
Some courses (such as Animal Care, Plumbing, Electrical Installation and Engineering) are more popular than others, so getting in early can be vital!
This guide will help with: interview advice.
The level of course you can apply for will vary depending on the grades you are predicted.
This video will explain what is available:
Part of this is to make sure you will be in education, employment, or training (as part of the Raising Participation Age (RPA) and to make sure you are OK next year).
If you have SEND (with or without an EHC plan) it is advisable to discuss supported transitions with whoever supports you in school, and the school or college you are applying to. Some have the capacity to offer additional support and will help you with your next steps.
In addition, you can access support from the SEND team via your local authorities and their Local Offers: CXK Blog: SEND Provision Map Supports Kent & Medway Local Offers
NOTE: There are Supported Apprenticeships and other work-based options available for students with SEND which, we explore in Part 2 of this guide.
All of this may feel a little daunting, but Careers Advisers in schools, as well as at the National Careers Service helpline for teenagers, are here to support you if you have any questions or queries.
In Part 2 of this guide, we will explore Apprenticeships and financial support available for study.
Good luck with your next steps and applications!
Written by Chris Targett RCDP, Careers Adviser