
Kyle’s Story

young person standing against wall, casual photoBefore I started CXK’s Prince’s Trust Team programme, I’d been out of education and unemployed for around two years, staying indoors. I basically did nothing – sitting at home, playing Xbox and drinking with my cousin. I’d look for jobs but never actually planned on getting one; I didn’t want to leave my house.

The best part of the programme was the residential. That was the best bit because I enjoyed all the funny moments including when we were in the kitchen cooking and we accidentally cooked 6kg of rice! The assistant team leader and I couldn’t stop laughing.

The part I found most helpful was the work experience. It gave me a huge confidence boost being around complete strangers. The programme benefitted me a lot. I learned that not everyone in the world is out to get me and I made some good friends. I’m now a lot more confident in talking to people outside, just general people. And it’s helped me to know for sure what I want to be – a farmer.

My future plans are to work on a farm when I move to Cornwall and to get into Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) professionally on the side.

My future is not completely clear, but it’s now clearer thanks to the Team programme, my team leader helped me to join up to the Young Farmers’ Society, which allows me to communicate with other like-minded people and to see future jobs available.

If I hadn’t taken part in the programme, I’d be nowhere. I think I wouldn’t be able to go outside.

At CXK we’re proud to provide training courses, development programmes and emotional support, advice and guidance which help young people to develop the skills and confidence to take their next steps in life.

Whether you’re looking for careers advice, want to develop your confidence, are looking to improve your Maths and English skills, or aren’t in education or employment and unsure what to do next; our services can provide you with the essential skills and confidence you need to ensure you’re in the best position to move forwards. For further details on the services we offer, visit our Services page.

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