
Mandy’s Story

woman looking happyI had been out of work for a year due to a medical condition that had affected my memory. I still had some issues with being able to remember things and it had really knocked my confidence and self-worth.

So I booked a face to face session with my local National Careers Service adviser so that I could get some support exploring my career options. My adviser worked with me to review my transferable skills. We looked at what future work would suit my existing skills and work history, and he helped me bring my CV up-to-date.

“My adviser made sure that he spent a lot of time focusing on my confidence”

My adviser made sure that he spent a lot of time focusing on my confidence – helping me feel more confident in my abilities and skills. He was able to show me that I still have lots of career options available to me, which was such a relief.

My adviser booked me onto a digital college course so that I could upskill while looking for work. Being able to train while job searching really helped me to feel  more confident as I had accomplished something that I could then put on my CV. Even though I was out of work, I could still improve my skills.

I was very worried about the idea of going on an interview after so long out of work, so in another session my adviser talked me through interviewing techniques and how I could sell myself in the interview.

“I realised how much I had to offer”

When I came into the first session I was low in confidence and self-belief, and not knowing what steps to take. However after seeing the National Careers Service adviser I realised how much I had to offer and I had a clear set of actions and steps to take that made the challenge of job hunting much less daunting. As a result, I have three interviews next week, and for the first time in ages I’m excited for the future.

The National Careers Service provides free, up to date, impartial information, advice and guidance on careers, skills and the labour market in England to anyone aged 13 and upwards.

To speak to a National Careers Service adviser, call 0800 100 900 or use our webchat (8:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week)

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