I spent 2 years constantly looking for work, without having any luck. The main problem was my lack of experience. I’d managed to get some experience through volunteering, but I was still encountering barriers. I soon felt like all my opportunities had run out, almost as if there was nothing else out there for me.
After some time spent reviewing my options, CXK’s Prince’s Trust Team Programme was suggested to me. I thought ‘I’ve got to give it a go’, so I went for it, and I joined the programme in September.
As a result of taking part in the programme, I got my first ever job, which I’m loving! I made some amazing friends too. I struggle with mental health, so it was amazing to meet other people that are in the same boat as me.
I’ve also gained a lot more confidence, and I feel I know myself more and where I want to be in life.
My plan is to now work abroad and hopefully travel. I’d also like to work with young people who suffer with mental health problems.
At CXK we’re proud to provide training courses, development programmes and emotional support, advice and guidance which help young people to develop the skills and confidence to take their next steps in life.
Whether you’re looking for careers advice, want to develop your confidence, are looking to improve your Maths and English skills, or aren’t in education or employment and unsure what to do next; our services can provide you with the essential skills and confidence you need to ensure you’re in the best position to move forwards. For further details on the services we offer, visit our Services page.