Over the last 17 years I’ve mainly worked as a cleaner or in retail. I’m a single parent with sole responsibility for my 9 year old son, so it had become tough to find work that fitted around the limited hours I could manage, and the cost and availability of childcare was a barrier. I had been only working 12.5 hours a week in my current role and I was keen to better my education so that I could eventually get a better job.
“I’m now not embarrassed to better my education so I can get a better job and give my child a better life”
I met face-to-face with my National Careers Service advisor and we discussed future job/career options. I wanted to explore a few roles; being a teaching assistant, working in admin, as well as my previous roles of cleaning and retail. Once we’d considered everything, I decided that I really wanted to pursue a career as a teaching assistant; however, that means that I need to retake my English and Maths GCSEs. As a result I have gone on to further learning. I’m aiming to complete my GCSEs in a few months’ time.
Seeing the National Careers Service adviser has helped me develop a clearer idea of where I’m heading, and helped me progress towards bettering my education and career. I’m now not embarrassed to better my education so I can get a better job and give my child a better life. My ultimate aim is to become a teaching assistant and to be able to help my son with his homework.
The National Careers Service provides free, up to date, impartial information, advice and guidance on careers, skills and the labour market in England to anyone aged 13 and upwards.
To speak to a National Careers Service adviser, call 0800 100 900 or use our webchat (8:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week)