Have You Thought About Working In The Care Sector?
The Innovation Delivery Team at Kent County Council has teamed up with CXK to provide care specific job fairs around the county.
Why not come along and find out more about the wide range of roles in the care sector (not all involve personal care!) and talk to care organisations about their vacancies and see what might be right for you.
What type of people are we looking for?
We are looking for people with the right values to work in our sector such as -kindness, respect and patience. Experience and qualifications are great but not always necessary as you will receive all the training and support you need.
Not sure if it’s for you?
Don’t worry, just come along anyway have a chat and find out more. There will be people you can chat to and ask any questions before going to the care organisation stands.
We will also have some equipment available, for those who want to try it out, to show you the sort of things we do day to day, and how we support people in the sector. Equipment includes;
- Lightbox to demonstrate good infection control practice
- Age suit to experience what it’s like to have poor mobility
- Interactive headsets to experience dementia
Where and When?
This event is a drop in session so pop in anytime between 10am – 2pm.
59 High Street
Margate, Kent, CT9 1DX
Telephone: 01843 221950
We look forward to welcoming you and hope you will join us too.
Care for Kent.