Severn Trent Empowered – Apprenticeships for the Girls in the Water Industry – Webinar
Date: Monday 8th February
Time: 4:00-5:00pm
Join this fun and informative session for:
- Understanding the breadth of roles available
- Get first hand experiences of our awesome ‘women in water’
- Advice & Guidance on selection stages
- Live Q&A
As an organisation with a social purpose, our role is to provide 8 million people across the Severn Trent region, with one of life’s essentials. Our aim is to provide opportunity for all, and enable a truly diverse workforce, developing the right skills sets, to help us meet the challenges of the future. This webinar will allow you to explore world of apprenticeships, and you’ll hear more from ‘women in water’ who’ll talk about our culture, environment and the amazing development on offer, across our 12 different entry route, for 2021. We’ll also provide advice and guidance on our application process, and give you the opportunity to ask the questions you want answered. See you there!