
CXK Celebrates Impact of Launch Pad Mentoring Programme

Photograph of Launch Pad celebration eventCXK is celebrating the impact of one of its mentoring programmes, Launch Pad, which came to an end last month.

The Launch Pad programme, funded by the National Lottery Fund, was designed to give unemployed young adults the support they need to take their next steps into employment or training. Available to 18-28-year olds who had been unemployed for 3 months or more, Launch Pad was delivered in Medway and Swale by CXK, The Prince’s Trust and KATO.

260 young adults across those areas were supported throughout the year long project, with 46% securing employment as a result. Through the programme, young people were supported for as long as they needed by a dedicated mentor. Their mentor supported them to identify a career path, build skills, source work experience and job opportunities, prepare for interview, and build their confidence and self-esteem.

260 young adults were supported, with 46% securing employment as a result

Launch Pad’s completion was marked by a celebration event in Medway in December; At the event, several participants talked about how they had benefitted from the programme.

Callum, 25 and from Medway, was referred to Launch Pad by his local Job Centre Plus; “My mentor kept my mind set on finding some kind of work or direction. He massively helped, particularly at my worst points. When I wanted to beat myself up, he was encouraging. He helped me remember that I had a lot going for me which made me want to achieve more.”

Callum’s confidence rapidly grew while on the project. He soon started to feel more comfortable in looking for paid work, applying successfully for a seasonal position as a Product Adviser for PC World. His goal at the company is to give excellent customer service allied to a good range of product knowledge. He also hopes to gain an extension of his contract into the new year.

“Launch Pad has done all it could have to help me,” he said. “When you enter and see familiar and friendly people there, it’s like a helpful friend looking to advise you on how to live a better life. And what’s best is, I’ve turned my hobby into a career!”

The Prince’s Trust, CXK and KATO continue to work in partnership.

CXK provides a range of services and programmes to support unemployed young people and adults to move in work, education or training. Find out more at

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