After a competitive tendering process, the Government’s Integrated Communities Innovation Fund has awarded £183k to CXK to fund a trailblazing youth employment project to support disadvantaged, unemployed young people.
The Working Heads project will deliver a new way for people living marginalised and isolated lives in Kent and Medway to showcase themselves to employers. Young people who are out of education, employment or training, and who struggle to create a good ‘first impression’ with a written CV, will be able to create video CVs as an alternative to the written form. The video CVs will be uploaded to an online portal. That portal will then be accessed by employers looking for candidates to fill existing job opportunities.
Anthony Hollingdale, Project Manager of Working Heads, said; “At CXK we’re dedicated to promoting youth employment. We’re excited to be able to support local young people to access employers in a really engaging way. Without the need for a written CV, which some young people find really difficult to construct. Simultaneously, we can offer employers a convenient way to get an accurate representation of a candidate’s personality and skills.”
The web portal is currently in development and will be launched in September 2019.
Any organisation wishing to receive details about Working Heads should contact: Anthony Hollingdale, 07725 445477,
Delivered in partnership with Sport England, the Government’s Integrated Communities Innovation Fund will drive forward projects to tackle the causes of poor integration. This is done by engaging 70,000 people with activities in schools, community and leisure centres; and in partnership with businesses, local authorities and housing associations.
Communities Minister, Lord Bourne said; “Britain is on the whole a well-integrated society. But we know that too many people are still locked out of the benefits that come with full participation in society.
“To tackle the root causes of poor integration we need to bring together people from all backgrounds and from all parts of society. From business leaders to grassroots charities.
“That is why we have partnered with Sport England to fund 16 trailblazing projects. Those projects seek to bridge divides and bring communities together in bold and innovative ways.”