
MP Gordon Henderson Shows Support for Sittingbourne Youth

MP Gordon Henderson with the Prince's Trust Sittingbourne teamOn Friday 17th May Gordon Henderson, MP for Sittingbourne, joined a group of unemployed local young people taking part in the Prince’s Trust Team programme.

The team (all of whom had never met before joining the programme) are a group of NEET (not in education, employment or training) young people – all aged 16-25 and from Sittingbourne and Swale – who have decided to take part in the 12 week Prince’s Trust Team programme to help them build the vital skills and confidence they need to find work.

“I was very impressed by the progress made”

The team of 12, who were at the end of their fourth week of the programme, had spent their first ‘Induction’ week getting to know one another and planning for the weeks ahead. Their second ‘Residential’ week was then spent at an outbound activity centre. There, they took part in a range of exciting activities designed to bond them as a team, and develop their confidence. Those activities included canoeing, climbing, raft building and more.

In their third and fourth weeks, they had planned and delivered a project to benefit their local community. This involved them raising money for Needs Community Centre in Sittingbourne whilst undertaking renovation work for the centre. This included gardening, painting, cleaning, and the creation of a sensory garden.

Mr Henderson joined the Team for their review of the successes and learning points of the project. The group also took the opportunity to explore with Mr Henderson the needs of the local community, and discussed with him the political and community issues that matter to them most.

Mr Henderson said: “It was a pleasure to come along to Phoenix House and meet the young people who are taking part in this year’s CXK course, which is being held on behalf of the Prince’s Trust.

“They will have improved their prospects of employment”

“I was very impressed by the progress made by the young people on the course in the few short weeks in which they have taken part. It was really noticeable how the group had bonded, forming a strong team of individuals who had previously lacked self confidence and self-esteem.

“I look forward to seeing their final presentation when they have completed their course. Judging from what I have seen so far, they will have improved their prospects of employment in the business sector of their choice. I am proud of them all!”

Team is a personal development programme which provides unemployed 16-25 year olds with the chance to take on new challenges, take a qualification, make long-lasting friendships and develop vital skills that will help them to find work. The programme is completely free of charge and doesn’t affect participants’ Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit. Travel costs are paid, and individuals may even be entitled to meals and bursary payments.

CXK runs Princes Trust Team programmes in Dartford, Ashford and Sittingbourne. For further information, visit our Prince’s Trust page.

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