What we offer at YES

Our Skills and Employability SEND specialist adviser supports 16-18 with an EHCP to access or sustain education, employment or training. We work with the special schools from Y11 to help students with their transition from secondary education to post 16. Support can include: applications, CV writing, travel training and general support with exploring traineeships, apprenticeships and smaller provision.

The handy guide below provides top tips on taking your next steps into employment, education or training as a SEND young person. In this article we explore:

General Links
College Additional Learning Support
Supported Internships and Supported Employment
SEND Travel & Transport

General Links

East Sussex Local Offer has a range of information with some of its most visited pages being: Education Health and Care plans, Support for You and Your Family, Special Schools, and more. Every single line of text on this website has audiotext if reading it is difficult.

Sossen offers a free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Contact offer advice and guidance to families with disabled children. They offer advice and guidance around early years support, benefits & money, and education & learning.

Ipsea explains how the annual review process works, and the importance of understanding what an EHC Plan should contain to help you prepare for an annual review.

Council for Disabled Children work collaboratively, from policy to practice, to ensure the best outcomes for Children and Young People.

Amaze is for families with disabled children and Young People in Sussex. Whether you’re a parent, carer, or Young Person, Amaze is here to deliver information, advice and support to you.

Special Needs Jungle. Parent-led information, resources and informed opinion about children and Young People aged 0-25.

Asking for an Assessment. If you are concerned that a Young Person’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) are not being met through SEN support, discuss your concerns with their school or setting.

East Sussex Local Offer helps you to find a service, School and College, Health and Wellbeing, and more.

Post 16 Parent Carer Booklet is a SEND resource to support parents and carers navigate the planning and preparation for the transition from school into post 16 for their child from year 9 onwards. It can also be found on the local offer website.

Transition Service supports teenagers and their families to move from Children’s Services into Adult Services support.

iCan Pathways Post 16 explores many of the different options and pathways available to you. The video below helps to share this too.


College Additional Learning Support

Additional Learning Support (ALS) differs from college to college. Below is more information on the different ALS in place at colleges in East Sussex.

Bexhill College has a document with questions often asked by parents, carers and young people about how the college can support them.

BIMM does not offer ALS however, they do offer student support.

East Sussex College Group has a document with questions often asked by parents, carers and young people about how the college can support them.

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College lists a range of learning difficulties and/or disabilities that they can support.

Plumpton College explains which learners they can support and how they provide their support.

North Kent College offers a range of support and encourages students to tell them about and additional learning support they might need.


Supported Internships and Supported Employment

Perfect for learners with an EHCP who have progressed as far as they can within education and wish to progress into work.

Project Search offers 69 internationally recognised programmes supporting students into full-time paid employment

Little Gate Farm offers supported employment, supported apprenticeships and supported work training

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College offers supported internships lasting a year. You can gain skills in a real work environment whilst being supported by College Staff.

Team Domenica offers a range of employment programmes, with progression to supported internships, and wherever possible onto paid employment.

Plumpton College offers supported internships where they work with employers to help you become work ready.

JPK offers training opportunities and supported living accommodation in Eastbourne.

Chalk Farm Hotel offers a structured, tailor-made training programme where students gain experience in all aspects of hospitality and/or horticulture.

You can also enquire about Steps to Work here too.


SEND Travel & Transport

East Sussex County Council website offers information and advice for Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) school and college transport. Including resources for travel assistance, independent travel training, applying for travel assistance and more.

Ipsea also offers information for Young People aged 16 to 19 who require transport. Did you know the law requires local authorities to have a ‘Transport Policy Statement’ setting out home to school/college transport arrangements?

Lift Training provides free independent travel training(ITT) for young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities. Enabling them to develop the skills and confidence needed to travel independently to School and College.



YES is a free service that offers support and guidance to young people in the East Sussex area aged 16-18 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), or are at risk of being NEET. Visit the YES page for more information about the support available