College or 6th Form interviews can sometimes be a little daunting but, in most cases the interviewer is not there to catch you out. Rather they want to make sure the course is right for you and you are right for the college or school.
Interviews can take many different forms, from one to one discussions to group activities. Some may also include a maths and English assessment to help judge which level of course is right for you.
If during an interview you have any doubts, concerns, need clarification or have worries it is always important to ask questions at an appropriate time.
Questions you may be asked
This isn’t a definitive list but does cover some common questions. You may wish to have a look at these and jot a possible answer down for each one before you are interviewed to help you prepare.
- Why would you like to study the course you have chosen?
- How do your choices link to your career aspirations?
- What are your career goals?
- Why should we consider you?
- What are your strengths?
- What do you struggle with?
- Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
- Is there anything you feel you will need help with?
Questions you may wish to ask
Asking questions can show the interviewer you are keen and motivated for the future. You may wish to use the space at the end of the guide to write down any other questions you have which, are specific to you and your circumstances.
- What support is available for {insert here: study/pastoral care/if I feel stressed/careers guidance}?
- How many students progress to {insert here: apprenticeships/university/work} afterwards and how many students drop out?
- What happens if I am falling behind in my grades?
- What facilities will I have access to?
- What are the benefits of studying with you?
- If I change my mind on the course(s) I have chosen can I change them once I have started? If so, by when?
- Are there any tasters available before I start?
- What equipment will I need and is there a dress code?
- Is there any financial help I can access?