
How can I access the service?









Key Information

The Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge for Schools and Colleges programme (ASK) is funded by the Department for Education and offers free support to educational establishments in England to increase awareness of apprenticeships, traineeships and T-Levels and is delivered across the South of England by CXK and our partners.



The ASK programme assists schools, colleges, and other educational establishments with their statutory duty to provide impartial careers advice and guidance to young people. We do this by providing free support to develop and transform how your students, parents and teachers think about apprenticeships and T-levels. Last academic year ASK worked with 859 establishments to offer support to over 204,000 students, 13,000 parents and nearly 300 teachers.

You can choose from a range of support options that include an inspiring apprenticeship awareness assembly, targeted application workshop, mock assessment centre activities, careers fair attendance, or parents’ presentations as a few examples.

The ASK programme supports the wider communications and objectives around improving awareness and boosting perceptions of apprenticeships and traineeships driving growth in applications, supporting progression, and increasing the number of 16–18-year-olds starting an apprenticeship. Since 2020, the programme now also includes bespoke activities to support those students who have been identified as at risk of becoming NEET.

To request a planning meeting to discuss the particular needs of your establishment please contact:


www: ASK Form Enquiry | The Careers and Enterprise Company


Our Partners

CXK is working with a network of providers to deliver the ASK programme across the South of England:

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