CXK have a team of Level 6 qualified careers advisers who have a wealth of experience in delivering careers information, advice, and guidance to students across schools in the South East.
CXK have a team of Level 6 qualified careers advisers who have a wealth of experience in delivering careers information, advice, and guidance to students across schools in the South East. They are highly skilled in engaging with young people and providing independent and impartial advice and guidance.
We offer a range of different services to support your students and to help your school to deliver a high-quality careers programme, including the statutory duty to provide personal guidance in line with Gatsby Benchmark 8
Our team will inspire and motivate your students, giving them all the information, advice and guidance they need to help them take control of their learning and working lives through the following services:
1:1 session with individual career action plan. Full interviews of 45 – 60 minutes are regarded as best practice by the Careers and Enterprise Company and the HESCU. They allow time for advisers to fully support the student to explore potential career pathways, provide challenge and develop a comprehensive action plan with the student. Personal guidance by a Level 6 qualified adviser is a key requirement for Gatsby Benchmark 8.
1:1 session with brief actions agreed. In some circumstances 30-minute meetings may be more appropriate. This could be because a student has:
– multiple career interventions (within or across years).
– specific needs which are met by shorter meetings.
The adviser and student will agree key actions during the meeting which will be noted down for the student to take away (or emailed later)
Students meet in groups of no more than four, for a facilitated personal guidance group session, which encourages group learning and reflection. The sessions are delivered within the CDI guidelines for best practice and can be used alongside the above interventions to meet the needs of the students as part of a wider careers programme.
A variety of group work, presentations and assemblies are available. Covering Year 9, Post 16, Post 18 options, Work Based Options, Higher Education and Student Finance to name but a few. Bespoke sessions are available on request.
Support at evening events as required for personal guidance by appointment or drop-in basis, depending on the needs of the event.