
Connected Futures: Our Local Hastings History

We’re Carrieann and Danielle, two of the young people in CXK’s Connected Futures Hastings research group. Our research is all about finding out why there are high levels of unemployment in Hastings young people. So, as part of Local & Community History Month, we thought we’d reflect on what local services have been important in our lives by collaborating to write this blog.


“Going to Broomgrove Youth Club hasn’t just helped me, it’s helped my family out too. I’ve gone along for about 5 years now, since I was 13, and now that I’m 18 I’m being trained to become a worker there which is great! Looking back to when I first joined the club I just remember feeling like I wasn’t the brightest young person, I was getting in trouble at school every day, and even being spoken to by the police from time to time. They helped me to overcome these challenges and become the person I am today.

More recently, I’ve started going to the Hastings Park Run which has helped to me to get fit and stay fit which is really important. On top of this, it’s also helped me to develop better communication skills through talking with all the other runners, who are from all sorts of different backgrounds and ages. It’s a free way to get fit in Hastings and clear your mind. The positive impact it’s had on our community is obvious and I definitely recommend it!” – Carrieann


“About 2 years ago I fell pregnant and later became a young mother. At the time, all I could think about was my housing situation, and what I was going to do when my baby arrived. That’s when my Midwife referred me to Xtrax. Not only have they helped me to sort our housing situation but, they’ve been able to help me arrange important appointments, help me with my benefits, and support me with my mental health & wellbeing.

Xtrax has been a safe place to to openly talk about anything good or bad! Now, a couple years on my new family is happy and healthy. We love Xtrax!” – Danielle


Having both reflected on our local community history and the impact it’s had on us, we feel like it’s important to look ahead to the future too. We both believe, alongside the rest of our young person led research group, that this project could be the start of real positive change for Hastings young people. We hope that in years to come we’ll be able to look back and realise that this project had just as much of a positive impact on our local community history as the other projects above have.

Join us on our journey to hear our research findings, and see all the fun we get up to each week on our social media pages:

Thanks for reading,
Carrieann and Danielle


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