
Charlotte’s Story

woman drinking coffee I’d been through a really tough time when I first became aware of the National Careers Service. My relationship had broken down, and I had to deal with a complete change in family life, and the fact that my children now had to split their time between myself and my ex-partner. I hadn’t worked for years, and I now needed to find a job so that I could support my family.

My confidence had really been knocked. I didn’t know where to start, but I knew I needed a new CV. My adviser helped me update my CV and make sense of my previous work experience. We analysed my skills and made sure the CV reflected them, and completed an Action Plan so that I could map out my next steps.

Accessing support from the National Careers Service has given me the focus I needed, and helped me understand what types of jobs I can apply for, to support my family. I know I need a part-time job to fit around childcare.

Working with the National Careers Service really helped me. I went from being shy to being more chatty, confident and motivated. I just wanted to do the best for me and my children. It’s wonderful to have someone to talk to who really wants to help.

The support I received, at a time when I needed it most, was a godsend.

The National Careers Service provides free, up to date, impartial information, advice and guidance on careers, skills and the labour market in England to anyone aged 13 and upwards.

To speak to a National Careers Service adviser, call 0800 100 900 or use our webchat (8am to 10pm, 7 days a week)

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