CXK’s CEO, Pauline Smith, has been shortlisted for the prestigious National Business Women’s Awards, in the ‘Lockdown Leader’ category. The Lockdown Leader award is designed to celebrate individuals that have displayed exceptional leadership skills throughout the pandemic.
The nomination and shortlisting for the award followed a period of dynamic and determined leadership from Pauline throughout the past few months, in which CXK ensured the continued delivery of its much-needed services to disadvantaged/vulnerable people and communities whilst protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of all staff.
Through the pandemic, demand for CXK’s services increased as so many of the challenges faced by its beneficiaries became exacerbated with the impact of Covid-19. Swift, determined decision-making was instrumental in re-mobilising the charity’s entire workforce, and replacing face-to-face services with virtual delivery platforms to ensure the continued support of all beneficiaries.
Dick Fedorcio, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at CXK, commented; “Pauline’s leadership not only ensured that the charity survived the devastating impact of Covid-19, but that it also completed the acquisition of another charity in July. Navigating and managing this huge and complex task in the middle of a pandemic while implementing several additional life-changing services for young people and adults is as a remarkable achievement, and one that is recognised by this award nomination.
“CXK has excelled in managing the impact of the pandemic and securing a strong legacy of success for CXK moving forward.”
The results of the National Business Women’s Awards will be announced on 22nd July. To find out more about the awards, visit: