
CXK Partners with KMPF For SEND Progression

In order to fully support SEND students to consider their post-18 options, CXK Careers is delighted to announce, that in partnership with KMPF, we are now able to offer individual careers guidance sessions for SEND secondary school students who are considering Higher Education and want to explore their next steps in depth.

Any young person from Kent & Medway with SEND, who is interested in Higher Education can now self-refer or be referred by their school, college or parent/carer to access FREE, unlimited (subject to capacity), independent IAG, delivered virtually by one of our trained and experienced career guidance professionals. This offer is in addition to the support already provided via our contracted schools service and the national careers service team.

CXK can help the student explore the pros and cons of university for them as an individual, explain the support that may be available to them at university, signpost them to research their options, and advise on writing personal statements.

This offer fills a vital gap and adds value to the services we already provide young people in Kent & Medway. It is available to all SEND students and is not dependent on having an EHCP.

Further details regarding the project and how to refer a young person can be found here:


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