Gordon Henderson, MP for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, joined a group of unemployed local people last week who were taking part in CXK’s trailblazing employability programme, Working Heads.
Delivered in Kent and Medway by CXK, Working Heads helps people to create a great first impression and access employers in an engaging and innovative way through video. As part of the project, CXK supports jobseekers through workshops which take them through the process of creating a video CV. The jobseeker uploads their video to the Working Heads online portal. Employers can then access the videos, and search for candidates to fill existing job opportunities.
Working Heads has been designed to help people who struggle to create a good ‘first impression’ with a written CV. It allows them to really present themselves to employers without the barriers a written CV can present.
Employers, meanwhile, benefit from a convenient way to get an accurate representation of a candidate’s personality and skills. They can also access an easy to use portal of work-ready candidates who they might ordinarily never meet.
Mr Henderson said: “I was delighted to visit Phoenix House to witness at first hand the Working Heads scheme. I was impressed with what I saw and congratulate CXK on the way they are delivering this Government funded programme.
“I was particularly pleased to be able to meet some of those local, unemployed people who are taking part in the scheme. Having talked to them I am confident that every one of them will find a job. They just needed the help provided by Working Heads to give them the confidence needed to succeed in an interview.
“However, to make the scheme work properly, we need more local employers to take part. I will be doing everything I can to make this happen.”
Any individual or employers wanting to receive details about Working Heads should contact: Anthony Hollingdale, 07725 445477, workingheads@cxk.org.
The Working Heads project is funded by the government’s Integrated Communities Innovation Fund.